Event Listings

Here you will find a list of Civil War era events that have been submitted by organizers and followers. if you have an event to add please follow instructions below.

This page will be continuously updated as we receive submissions.

If you would like your event listed please email us at depot2023@gmail.com, subject - event info, with the following information.

  • Name and dates of event

  • Brief description

  • website, Facebook page etc..

  • public contact info

  • a picture (optional)

If this is also an event you would like us to attend as sutlers, please put that in a note at the beginning or end of you email.


February 3-4, 2024

Fate of All Foragers: The Skirmishes of West Crossroads and Tiller’s Ferry

4233 Bethune Road, Bethune, SC, United States

Come see and experience February of 1865…Visit the living history are and learn about the day lives of soldiers and citizens… there will be drills, demonstrations, battle reenactments and more!!!

Visit their website at https://sites.rootsweb.com or visit their Facebook page for more information.


April 12-14, 2024

The 160th Anniversary Battle of Pleasant Hill


This event commemorates one of the last Southern victories of the War Between the States and is held on the actual battlefield where Union and Confederate forces met on April 9, 1864. Please join us every year on the second full weekend of April to temper the historic events that took place in Pleasant Hill over 150 year’s ago. The Battle of Pleasant Hill Committee (BPHC) and the host units, the Trans Mississippi Volunteer Infantry (TMVI), look forward to seeing you all there!

Learn more about this event by visiting their site at www.battleofpleasanthill.com